how the plan is created? "For success in chess, the ability to move the masses of heterogeneous forces, win the time, use the errors of the enemy, replacing the small number of the benefit of the position" - So wrote a Russian master. It is very important to conduct the battle on a specific plan, which is created taking into account specific circumstances!
example of a plan to win:
1) push the king to the center as far as possible1. Kf2 Ke7 2. Ke3 Kd6 3. Ke4 Ke6
2) to advance an impassable pawn as far as possible - this is the future queen 4. g4 g6 5. g5 Kd6
3) distract the opponent's king by moving a distant passed pawn 6. a4 Kc5
4) as soon as the passage to the opponent's pawn has opened, immediately go and take it, no longer move the distant passed pawn !!!
7. Ke5 Kb4 8. Kf6 Ka4 9. Kg6
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